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Sling 500 with Bell HDTV

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I have a Canadian-based Slingbox 500 that I am willing to provide in trade for comparable US, UK, Aussie, or virtually any other Enligh-based system.  Sling is connected to Canadian Bell HDTV receiver with basic package, 8 theme packages, premium movies, and NHL Centre Ice.  Bandwidth is 2 / 20. 

This is not a dedicated unit in that I may need to access it infrequently and/or watch locally.  But it is used fairly infrequently - would estimate that the receiver is not in use about 95% of the time.  Willing to try a trade to see how it goes and if we are both mutually happy can continue the trade arrnagement.

PM me with your email if interested.


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I am interested in trading. i have a US slingbox. i tried a pm but it would not go through. let me know


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      I would like to excahnge you have Canada Comedy Gold channel ?


      Dave -


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Still ISO US Slingbox in Canada Exchange?


If you're still interested in a US for Canada Slingbox exchange, I'd be interested. I'm in Tulsa, OK and have DirecTV with Choice Extra Classic (210+ channels) and DVR access. Looking for Canadian channels. Flexible on selection, service (Bell, local cable, Shaw Direct, etc.) and DVR. Good UL/DL speeds on my end. Let me know your further interest.


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