
Los Angeles Slingbox available

5 posts in this topic

I have a Slingbox available for exchange from the Los Angeles, California area. It includes all of the major English- and Spanish-language broadcast networks/locals. I'm mainly looking to exchange with any Slingbox from the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, but I am open to other offers including or outside of these countries if the offer interests me. I am also willing to work with other place-shifting products similar to the Slingbox; this can be discussed further if you are interested in an exchange. Ideally, the more features and channels you can offer me, the better, but I am open to any and all offers you may have.


Please be informed that I am strictly exchanges-only, and will decline any offer involving rental.


Please PM me here on the forum or email me at if you are interested in an exchange.


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This offer is still available, so let me know if you're interested.


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This offer is still available, and I am still open to any and all exchange offers. Let me know if you're interested.


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This offer is still available, and I suggest that you do PM or email me if you are interested. I would, however, like to remind you that I am strictly exchanges only; I will not accept any offers involving payment of any sort.


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This offer is still available! Please PM me or email me if you are interested.


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